Tuesday, December 11, 2012

...slow start

Though ongoing mentor/mentee meetings have been taking place, we have been slow to get some new matches established. Suddenly, we seem to have some new volunteers ready to commit an hour a week to visit with a student who would like this dedicated relationship.

If other students are wanting to be matched up with a mentor, they or their parents should contact the guidance office.  The mentor program is not a guidance program, but is our best match to work with the school counselor to initiate these partnerships. Mentoring adds the support of a friendship with another adult who is dedicated to the relationship. This is a proven asset to young people in growing their confidence and resiliency in a larger community than home and classroom. Please let the school know if this program will meet your needs.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Making a match

School is in the air. I feel it in the cooler morning, and in the clear air of a blue sky day. And it is time to wake up all those organizational routines and set goals for new accomplishments after a summer of relaxed removal from the same.

Barstow Pillars aims to match adult volunteers with students who will benefit from a supportive relationship that comes in the way of a weekly visit in the school day. Some students are recommended for the program, and others seek out the program. Since meetings typically occur during a lunch/recess break, academic programs are uninterrupted.  Students look forward to routine visits during which they read, play games, go walking, do projects, or just plain talk.  Activity is driven by joint decision-making, and is a time that carries no academic strings.

If parents are interested in this program for their child, a chat with the guidance office will be enough to set in motion a possible match with a minimum commitment of one year.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

 Quack! Quack! Quack!  The ducks are coming!

The Buddy Duck Race will be held on June 8 during Field Day.  Mentors will be making visits to classrooms to sell the duck numbers at $1 per duck or 6 for $5.  Students will watch their own ducks and those of their classmates as they float down East Creek to the finish line. The twelve class race winners will then compete for the grand prize family fun pack. Notices will go home before Memorial Day, allowing students to bring in money for the classroom sales. They will have a number of opportunities to get duck numbers before Field Day. June 6 will be the final day for buying, so an earlier response will avoid a missed opportunity!

Don't miss out on the fun!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Buddy Duck Race 


for Field Day!

(stay on the lookout for duck registrations)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

yummy-filled tummies

Our baking event was a great success, providing dozens of delicious cookies for mentees to share with family, teachers, and even their mentors. The traditional Toll House recipe served us well, and allowed students to substitute white chocolate for some of the usual semi-sweet chocolate, and to add a few walnuts if desired.
The youngest bakers produced the best looking cookies (they rolled the dough, and the resulting cookies were bakery-perfect in appearance), while everyone could declare a best-taste achievement!

Thank you to the kitchen staff who welcomed us for the afternoon. The Barstow kitchen is a great place for group baking, and we were delighted to have that opportunity.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

control your appetite/ cookie baking postponed!

I guess our event was competing with the ever-popular TV-Turnoff Week. On April 4th, the Barstow kitchen will be filled with students eager to participate in one of many after-school activities that are designed to remind folks that DOING often beats WATCHING. Turning off the television in favor of real experiences is a choice that will likely be easy for students after a long winter - even with that winter being milder than most - and I am glad for the hands-on approach to free time.

Cookie baking
for the Barstow Pillars group will wait until April 11 from 2:45-4:30.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"calling all cookie monsters!"

Who doesn't love a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie? We can't think of anyone, so we are going to spend an afternoon baking the cookie of our dreams. We will follow the basic Toll House cookie recipe, but we will feel free to introduce special ingredients, such as nuts, white chocolate, or oats, in order to satisfy each and every one of us to the max!

The students participating can expect to take home a container of cookies, and it is our hope to bake enough to share with classrooms.

April 4th will be the day the cafeteria staff shares their space and equipment with us, and we appreciate the welcome. This is an activity that would not be possible in a home kitchen, so we are grateful for the opportunity to use the roomy kitchen at Barstow with its over-sized bowls, baking sheets, and ovens. Can't wait to measure, mix, dollop, and bake (and I promise not to dip into the batter before baking...well, I'll try not to).

" C is for cookie, that's good enough for me, oh cookie, cookie, cookie start with C"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Warm hearts

Mentors and their buddies enjoyed a wonderfully spirited afternoon of bowling at the end of January. Some of us were severely challenged as we approached the lane, and were appreciative of the bumpers available for "younger" bowlers. The positive guidance our turns received, whether by bumper or advice, was part of a healthy and active afternoon of sharing.

In the wake of Valentine's Day, mentors are thankful for the friendship of our young partners at school. Our weekly visits are full of conversation, industrious projects, new creative pursuits, and fun. The visits enabled by the Barstow Pillars program are the source of warmth in our hearts. We are convinced that our students feel the same way.

Do you know someone beyond the school community who would like to join in on the fun?
I welcome calls of inquiry at 483-2854. Our hope is to provide a mentor for every student who wants or needs one.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Annual Mentor Bowl!

January is mentoring awareness month! It is time for The Mentor Bowl - an afternoon of bowling for mentors, mentees, and corporate sponsor teams. It is an afternoon filled with fun, free hot dogs, popcorn, and ice cream, as well as t-shirts to commemorate the event. Last year was a hoot, and we know this year will be a laughter-filled challenge for us all.

If you know a mentor, thank them for their dedication. The consistent support and friendship that mentors offer can change a school experience from necessary to fun, and from a struggle to a success.